That was an interesting and worthwhile little foray into the Dining Room.
This was a real page-turner of a book. Personally I could have done without the Lucie italicised entries, but as always, that could just be me - they didn't really do anything for me though. Those aside this was a wonderfully crafted story - I felt entrances and committed to all the characters which is a rare treat.
I felt huge sympathy for the devastated, unwanted Sasha, who was ultimately a very sad and troubled figure. Her errant husband Dan, though obviously at fault, and as Cohen eloquently wrote, "acted with his dick", was still a likeable character who one could still feel a certain amount of empathy with.
Though of course it was the two other adults who provoked the most feeling; Josh and Hannah. Yes, at time Josh himself behaved less than favourably, but the stress and strain evident in both Josh and Hannah as they became more and more embroiled in such an acidic fallout, was all too realistic.
I did wish that Hannah would find courage to utter the sentence 'No' a bit more, but in all honesty I found this inability to refuse to help her friend a bit to close to home to totally blame her for it.
The relationship between the children, Lily and September, added yet another intriguing layer to an already compelling narrative.
I wasn't too fussed on the ending, relating back to my point earlier on the italicised entries - I didn't fin it too surprising and I wasn't all that bothered about the implication of it.
Again, that aside this really was a great book.