I am always a bit sceptical when publisher's proclaim "this is the next" or, as in this case, "perfect to fill the dark void left by The Girl on the Train". Like we as reader can't just look at the blurb (or the cover/spine in my case!) and think, 'Oh that looks good'. It's like the whole Amazon Recommends thing, but there I guess I'm going into another Richard and Judy tirade, so I'll stop.
First things first, this is a very easy and quick read (aka an afternoon). Which, following on from Alone in the Dark, I was very happy about!
Is it gripping? Well, yes I'd probably say it was. I certainly wanted to read on and get to the revelation about what had actually happened to little Bella Elliott. But, and whether this is a big but or not I don't know, I was left a little flat by the ending.
I'm not going to spoil it by revealing anything because there's no point in that, however, there are enough questions that the culprit changes constantly as the novel progresses.
Sometimes the whole multiple viewpoints thing doesn't work, but it does here; aiding the quickness of the read and increasing not the suspense but more the whodunit element that works so well.
I think it's unfair to compare this to The Girl on the Train, it stands alone by itself as a good, enjoyable read.