Very rarely you get one of those books that you just can't put down. I mean, there are lots of books whose covers have the proclamation 'PAGE TURNER' or, 'I JUST COULDN'T WAIT TO FINISH IT' - that I fall for, read one, and it's just a bit average. I'm sure you get my drift.
I'll tell you here and now though, I was really cross that I was so tired that I just had to go to sleep last night. And then this morning, I was doing that making a deal with myself thing - you know if you do this, then you can read for a little.
Well, I sat down at 11.15 a.m. because I couldn't walk on the just-mopped kitchen floor, and it's now 1.40 p.m. But even the slight guilt that I should actually have done some work, is not enough to dissipate the pure joy the last two hours have been. I'm so thrilled that I bought this book. I'm thrilled that it was the one I picked up to read yesterday instead of the two new ones I'd bought. But I do feel ever so slightly jealous of those that haven't read it yet.
The entries from the murdered Rosie intertwine magnificently with the unfolding story of Kate befriending the enigmatic grieving mother, Jo. The gradual exposure of Neal's character is disturbing if not at all that surprising.
And yes, I probably did guess the truth behind the murderer mask but I was far too engrossed to care.
Honestly how Debbie Howells can cope with the pressure of following up such a remarkable debut is beyond me. This is such an exquisitely written piece of fiction that, if you haven't got the idea yet, is so worth setting aside a day for. But don't rush it, let it carry you along on each considered scene, until the blossoming conclusion.