I think this is a great book, if you like this sort of thing, which I’m not sure I do. I did, I mean like in my 20s I would have devoured it, actually in fairness that’s not completely true, because I did read it quickly, and wanted to do so.
My problem is, was, whatever, I really did not (in huge capital letters) enjoy the whole premise of Tamsin and Patrick which opened the book. I found it hugely annoying and it totally clouded my judgement of Tamsin from the outset, I just couldn’t find any way of condoning it. And quite frankly, the whole drunken mistake thing just doesn’t wash for me. See, that’s the other thing, I did obviously get too invested in the characters if I’m letting it bother me that much.
It was a totally obvious plot-line, though on the whole written well. That being said, I didn’t like some of the style of Fallon’s writing, in particular the descriptions of the characters, which felt more like a tick-box feature rather than a natural dissipation of characteristics and appearances.
There was also some that irritating completion of chapters – the Dan Brown syndrome (so I’m told, never actually having read any Dan Brown!) of having to punctuate every ending with a ‘this is what happens next’ flourish. For example; “Then maybe I would never have done what I’ve just done” or “Famous last words.” It’s obviously just me being picky or weird or something, but it just irritates me, like an annoying spot. Granted it’s not the worst example of this technique that I’ve read, but it was there enough that I noticed it.
So anyway, once I’d gotten past these negatives, I did sort of enjoy it I guess. My boy did ask if it was good whiles I was in the midst though, and I did give some vaguely negative response, so maybe it’s just that it grew on me as I neared completing. I’m making this more and more confusing as I go on, aren’t I?
See, it’s like I say, if you enjoy this sort of book, and aren’t disturbed by the morals of the main character, you’ll probably love it. It didn’t really explore the value of friendships and honesty – only in showing that Tamsin didn’t really uphold either all that well. Even the blossoming relationship between her and Adam wasn’t afforded true honesty which just led to muddy waters and an irritating (yes I’ve used that word again) ending.
All this negativity aside, it passed a day. I don’t mean that disrespectfully, but well it did. It ticked a box, I don’t feel like I wasted any time in reading it, I read it in the kitchen whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, but it hasn’t dramatically wowed me. I will in all likelihood forget about it fairly quickly, but I enjoyed it (I think) while it lasted.