I have to say I was much more interested in finding out the cause of trauma to little Same than I was discovering the truth surrounding the death of Sergeant Andy Jackson.
The latter being a distraction in the earlier part of the book.
Fire Damage is the first in a new crime series, and I enjoyed the introduction and development of the character Jessie Flynn. The fact that she was burdened with a traumatic past, whilst not surprising, lent an air of realism into her role as psychologist. The relationship between Flynn and Ben Callan, whilst certainly a slow-burner, is an interesting and almost exciting one to watch.
Callan had the air of many other hero-detectives; being strong, brace and, of course, handsome. Perhaps more Milk Tray man than James Bond though.
With the exception of Sami, the other characters held little appeal to me. Perhaps to secrecy of events led to them not being fully exploited? I was still a little unsure as the true, real relationship between Nooria and Captain Scott towards the end of the novel, but as always, that might just be me.
The ending was ok; no huge surprise, a little bit of a forced "bow" ending which I could have lived without quite happily. I'm not sure I was completely blown away with the book however I enjoyed it, and it was an interesting plot which was executed well.
It will be interesting to see where Medina takes Flynn and Callan next, but I don't mind waiting for it in truth.