This was freaky, a good freaky, but freaky nonetheless.
The essence of the disaster reminded me of the TV show, Survivors, where an unknown virus kills vast numbers of the population. That TV show was good, dare I say it, this is even better.
Zoo/Mae/Sam, the female centre of the book is a great character; plucky and unwaveringly committed, yet flawed and tenderly compassionate at heart. I enjoyed both the present narrative and the flashbacks to the first day of the "game", though why anyone would call that a game is beyond me! These narratives are intercepted occasionally by the online comments that the show prompts, which only served to draw me further and further into the story. I have spent the whole afternoon finishing the second half of the book because I really didn't want to leave it. It certainly had me holding my breath though, it was so chilling. Talk about having to confront your demons!
I obviously won't say too much about the plot for fear of spoiling it, but it really is a corker. The Last One, along with the also excellent Thirst (Benjamin Warner), is a terrific exploration of the power of the human mind and psyche. Here, how the brain tries to find a rational explanation for all the devastation and horrors that Zoo encounters in her bid to finish the game. I liked how this contrasted with the petty squabbles and relationships that were being played out originally.
I think, like Thirst, this is another book where you need to anchor yourself before you start reading it. Whilst the lack of water isn't an issue here, it's the unease that's created while you read it that's the problem. You know like those scary films where you know something is going to jump out, yet you're still holding your breath and on the edge of your seat until it does? It's like that.
Be safe. Look around and remind yourself that some apocalyptic disaster hasn't actually happened, and you're safe at home (or preferably on a sun lounger sipping cocktails!).
The Last One is great; treat yourself and buy it now.