This was an interesting book. Where I'd expect a detective I got just an ordinary civilian in the shape of Rob Seaton, and I must admit at intervals in my reading I had to keep reminding myself of this. It was such a break from the norm.
It wasn't that it was out of place at all, I guess we just get used to certain roles and this was so different to that. Rob himself is a likeable character, and I did get the sense of his guilt and understood his need to find out all that he could about local poet Laney Grey. The only thing I have to say is that he certainly seemed a quick learner - and that will become more apparent as you read the book; which I hope you will.
It is jam-packed with tension and action, which at times will have you on the edge of your seat. I did occasionally wonder how he got out of certain situations towards the end of the story, and pondered as to whether his information was realistically given; but I have to say that none of these musings hindered my enjoyment of the novel. PC June Henshaw again is an interesting character, and I'm pleased to see in the little bit of the sneak preview of Book Two that I glanced over, that she makes another appearance. She definitely has great potential to become a serial-book character. Indeed the same could be said of quite a few of the characters we're introduced to in Local Poet, as the sometimes fleeting appearances left me awaiting their next outing.
This is a rather pleasant twist on a detective thriller underpinned by an intriguing plot. I think this is certainly worthy of a day curled up on the sofa, and in fact is a cracking read actually.