I loved this book, really loved it, even though I probably got through half a box of tissues reading it. I'm also pretty sure that staying up until 1.30am to finish it, whilst inevitable, also wasn't that good an idea.
However, I really did HAVE to finish it, and once you have the same dawning realisation of what the "9 hours to go" might mean, you will simply HAVE to finish it too. There you are that's your warning to start it either at a reasonable hour, or when you haven't got much to get up for the next day!
The characters are as lifelike as my own neighbours, so beautifully portrayed are they. My heart bled for both Lexi and Charlotte in equal measure, the destructive force that anorexia exerted over the whole family was so sad to read. And if I'm totally honest, it made me want to rush into my daughter's room just to make sure she was safe. After all that is all we want as parents, for our children to be safe, and happy and loved, and I could see this echoed throughout the book. The struggle Freya and Lockie had between trying to understand, wanting to keep Lexi happy and knowing that they had to force her to eat - all delicately balanced but of course not really achievable.
I shall not, as always, make any plot spoilers, but all I shall say is The Food of Love certainly had me nervously holding my breath, and the final few chapters were an unbelievably angst filled read.
So what shall I take from this book? It pretty much confirmed that I never want to repeat the issues surrounding food that I, and no doubt so many others have faced. I tell my daughter (and sons) how much I love them every day, and they certainly know how wonderful they are and how proud I am to be their mum. Not that this could in any way insulate them or me from an illness such as this, but so they are never in any doubt as to how amazing I know they are, and how I shall try to be there for every battle they face.
I love it when I can feel something from a book, and The Food of Love definitely gave me this. It's out now, so please, please, go and grab a copy now.