This is a thought-provoking read on the virtues (or otherwise) of social media and the power of grief and love. I found it a really interesting concept, the idea of being able to see future postings on Facebook, in this case where dear Jess finds an outpouring of grief at her own untimely accidental death. Obviously I haven't contemplated this in too much detail so I have no idea how on earth I would react in Jess' shoes, or if in fact it is at all possible to fake this but Jess does take it more in her stride than I think I would; in fact in some places she seems quite accepting of the fact that she's going to die relatively soon - though of course some of this does come down to the fact that she will die having just become a mother. And here's the catch, should she run away from a pre-ordained death if it means that she won't ever meet the son she has just seen a photograph of. Any idea what you would do? No, nor me. Or do I?
Is it possible to love someone before they have been born? Of course. I'm guessing lots of expectant parents would give you the same answer. But before they're conceived?
Yes I'm deliberately leaving that hanging there!
I found Jess and her best-friend Sadie really likeable. The way Jess morphed into a lesser version of the feisty character that opened the book with a line that had me chuckling to myself, was a slow and organic process. And whilst I was inwardly shouting at her to try and retain some independence, the actions of both her and Lee were natural enough to be realistic. I enjoyed, if enjoyed is the right word in this context, the popular culture references to films and actual events of - mainly in this setting being the deaths of three great entertainers, and found myself agreeing with the book in that it did seem like a never-ending round of loss. What really did throw me was the Facebook photos of the characters. I don't know why, it is totally illogical, I guess it's because I'm used to picturing the characters in my head - it in no way detracts from the book, in fact I'm guessing lots of people will really like the feature, but as usual I shall give it my honest opinion! It's me. I'm odd I think. I will say it's nothing to do with the people portraying the characters though - they seem perfectly lovely - I feel I might be digging myself into a hole here so I'll stop! Anyway where was I? Characters....Angela. Hmm. I'll leave that one with you too, but I'm more than happy to give you my opinion on her if you wish to discuss!
Overshadowing everything to me, is the question of a Mother's love. I'm going to put aside for now the obvious love and protection that Jess demonstrates towards her unborn child, other than to say that all of her actions and behaviour made sense to me, because the absent physical presence is Jess' dead mum. The echoes of the impact that this had on Jess' past are felt throughout the book and it's good to see the issue of mental health being brought up in a natural storyline, and it is testament to Linda Green's writing that it feels important yet not overwhelming to the story. The honesty of the grief expressed is touching, maybe more so to me at this moment in time arguably, there are times at the moment that I feel totally overwhelmed by it - but it's still probably a good idea to have a tissue at hand just in case.
I had great hopes for After I've Gone, and I am more than happy to say it hasn't disappointed me. I really recommend this; don't start it too late though because you'll have to use matchsticks the next day (yes, I never learn!) - it's a great read.