Well this was a beautiful little book dealing with love, friendship, loyalty and loss.
Bea as the main character is beautiful, her goodness just shines through. I could happily have slapped Lonnie for not treasuring her and for treating her so disrespectfully. He, of course, comes across as handsome and a good provider, but essentially as a man who needed to grow up and behave himself. The rest of the characters are portrayed as well as Bea and Lonnie, I got a real sense of them all so clear are they in my mind.
The day-to-day running of the household was realistically portrayed and totally identifiable to me, from the rush-around-madness of the morning, to the seemingly judgemental mothers in the playground. Though I was quite envious of the valet service which meant you didn't need to get out of the car at drop off! And whilst I'm on the subject, I loved Bea's children, Alan and Chico - they were so cute and such typical kids that they often had me smiling to myself.
The dark cloud of bulimia managed to pervade the story without over-whelming it I thought. I saw the battle that Bea had to keep it at bay, but also completely understood when and why that cloud took hold of her. It was so disappointing when she had to give in to the need to purge, and I was willing her to fight it. Though how she managed to with the storm of deceit that Lonnie bought with him was testament to her will to get well. I tell you though, I would have loved to be invited round for supper, some of the meals that Bea made sounded yummy!
And Then There Was Me is a story about love and also about betrayal, and whilst not wanting to give anything away, I think Lonnie got what was coming to him. I'm not condoning it, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction!
It really is a beautiful read though, it's totally engaging and actually quite uplifting. It manages to show a strong yet vulnerable woman, who deals with her life with a grace and power that often goes unnoticed in women.
I so enjoyed this, please give it a read - it's fab.