I didn't gel with Losing Juliet at all unfortunately. I couldn't really understand the title either, surely it would have been more appropriate to say Finding Juliet, as essentially this is more a story of Juliet finding Chrissy and Eloise rather than the loss of her. Anyway, just an aside there, sorry.
The unfolding mystery disintegration of the relationship between Juliet and Chrissy, told through time entries, is an interesting one; charting their friendship from when they first met to their separation. It held enough questions to keep me wondering what could have gone wrong. And being interweaved into the 'present day' meant that they mystery lasted that bit longer.
I just could not get to grips with the writing style. I found the whole thing choppy and unrealistic. It told of things rather than describing them, jumping from one point to another without ever really expanding on them. Let me give you an example of what I mean: Chapter 23 - '"Don't you ever take it off?" She was referring to the cat brooch.' Why? Why didn't she ask the question whilst pointing to it, or looking at it? I just made Chrissy an extra in the play rather than a leading figure. Does that make sense? I personally find it so passive, it doesn't make me feel a part of the developing action, immersed in the story.
Neither could I believe the dialogue or interaction between Chrissy and her daughter Eloise. It seemed contrived and uneven, and I just didn't get what their relationship was like. I mean I know we all have our ups and downs, but there was just no sense of continuity - one second they were just talking and the next, one was getting a slap. For me it just didn't work.
And I suppose this is a continuation of the jumping scene sensation I got whilst reading it. I like to take my time to acclimatise to the scenery and the events being played out before me. But not only was little developed, it also jumped from place to place, country to country. I felt like I was in the TARDIS, constantly trying to make sense of where I was and what was happening, whilst not leaning on the props too much in case the whole set came down round my ears, in that way I remember from the late 70s! There was just no substance, and like I say it just didn't gel. I wasn't surprised by anything, which ordinarily isn't a bad thing; but it was almost predictable in its events.
Losing Juliet unfortunately is one of those books that I would have given up on had I not asked for it to review. Just not my cup of tea I'm sorry to say.